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Since the sensory branches of the median nerve receive the sensation of the first three fingers and half of the fourth finger, sensory complaints in these digits are obtained. Typically, patients experience:
-Burning in the fingers
-Pins and Needles
-They talk about tingling and numbness
The pain, which can often be dull or aching, can radiate to the front of the elbow and the outside of the shoulder.

Since the sensory branches of the median nerve receive the sensation of the first three fingers and half of the fourth finger, sensory complaints in these digits are obtained. Typically, patients experience:
-Burning in the fingers
-Pins and Needles
-They talk about tingling and numbness
The pain, which can often be dull or aching, can radiate to the front of the elbow and the outside of the shoulder.

Although carpal tunnel syndrome can occur due to many causes, the underlying cause cannot be detected in some patients, but various activities are known to predispose to it. The fact that carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in the hand used supports that hand activity plays an important role in the development of the disease. Conditions that can cause carpal tunnel syndrome can be listed as follows:
-Space-occupying lesions:
-Connective tissue diseases: Rheumatoid arthritis
-Crystal arthropathies: Gut
-Professional reasons: Musicians, butchers, computer users
-Metabolic diseases: Mucopolysaccharidoses
-Hormonal disorders: Diabetes, Hypothyroidism
-Infections: Bone inflammations, tuberculosis

Clinical Symptoms and Signs:

Sensory Fields:
-Numbness, pins and needles, burning
Engine ones
-Atrophy of the tenar muscles
-Decreased strength in the fingers of the hand
-Patient history
-physical examination
-Electro physiological examinations (EMG)
Non-surgical :
It is a simple and inexpensive treatment method. Wrist splinting, which keeps the wrist in a neutral position, relieves patients, especially at night. In patients with new onset of symptoms, it can sometimes be an adequate treatment method alone.
-Local injections: Carpal tunnel injection is an effective treatment for patients who have had the disease for a short period of time and do not show significant loss of muscle strength..
-Medicines: The use of non-steroidal drugs is generally useful in patients with underlying disease such as tenosynovitis.The use of vitamin B6 is controversial in the treatment of carpal tunnel..
-Physical medicine methods: Physical therapy methods, especially ultrasound, are applied. Strengthening exercises should be applied in patients with muscle strength.
-Adjustments in activities of daily living
Surgical methods
Surgery is necessary in the absence of response to other methods, progressive or persistent neural changes or muscle weakness.
-Open surgical release of the transverse ligament
-Arthroscopic release of the transverse ligament