Osteoarthritis in the hand and wrist is a condition known as osteoarthritis. This condition is caused by the wear and degeneration of cartilage tissue in the joints over time. Osteoarthritis in the hand and wrist can often develop due to aging, genetic factors, overuse or wrist injuries. Here is more information about arthritis in the hand and wrist:
Over time, natural wear and degeneration of cartilage tissue in the joints can occur.
Genetic Factors:
Individuals with a family history of osteoarthritis may be more prone to this condition.
Overuse of the hand and wrist joints, especially repetitive movements or weight lifting, can contribute to arthritis.
Wrist Injuries:
Wrist injuries, especially bone fractures or ligament injuries, can lead to osteoarthritis.
Metabolic Factors:
Obesity or metabolic diseases can increase the load on the joints and cause arthritis.
Non-Surgical Treatment Methods:
Pain Management:
Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can help control joint pain.
Physical Therapy and Exercise:
Special exercise programs with a physiotherapist can improve joint flexibility and increase muscle strength.
Rest and Joint Protection:
Resting and protecting the joint can help reduce pain.
Orthosis Use:
Specially designed wrist supports or orthotics can relieve pain by supporting the joint.
Hot and Cold Treatment:
Hot or cold applications can relieve pain and swelling.
Surgical Treatment Methods:
Surgery is usually considered in cases that do not respond to non-surgical treatments. Surgical options may include joint cleaning (arthroscopy), joint fusion (arthrodesis), or joint replacement (arthroplasty).